Jill Ann Bromwich 905-859-0340 ~ Coaching, Training, Tips, Techniques
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Goals - a Poem from my Book
This is a poem for the year ahead.
The end of the year is here,
It’s time to raise a cheer!
To all your friends and family
Who are so very dear.
What do you remember about the year gone by?
Was it a special time for you?
Or are you glad to start anew?
What are your goals for the year ahead?
Will you plan to get organized?
Or will you quit instead?
Goals are plans of action that
Keep you on your toes.
They help you to get organized with
All things in rows.
There must be goals in your life,
To keep your spirits strong.
Goals can be short if you prefer,
They don't have to be too long.
They should also be achievable
And not far out of reach.
So think about it, think you must...
Should your goals be about family
And something that you trust?
Or should they be about getting ahead
And getting out of the red?
Let's raise a cheer to everyone
For starting a new year.
Set a goal or even more...
One, two, three or four.
A winning year for all to see,
Goals will help your family!
Jill (author)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Being Productive During the Holidays
What are your plans for the new year? Have you planned your goals for the year to come?
Well, you should definitely take some time to make some plans and be sure to have them in writing. The plan should include how many hours per week you are going to spend on your business.
Here are some suggestions for building your business, while heading into the new year...and what to do over the holidays.
Being Productive!
If you usually spend at least ten to fifteen hours on your business per week or more that's terrific...
But, you might be wondering how to continue being productive, while getting ready for the holidays when you may not have as much time.
It is recommended to spend at least an hour or two on your business per week over the holidays. Although this may not even be possible, it does help to keep your business moving forward so that you can easily get it back up and running in the new year.
Whether it's one to two hours or ten to fifteen hours per week...this means being productive and doing things to help push your business forward.
This does not mean sorting papers and filing or cleaning off your desk. It also does not mean playing around on the Internet and chatting with friends.
*The hour or two should be a good solid hour of making calls or connecting with others about your business.
In an hour or two per week, however it may not be possible to do much, it is really just to keep some momentum going in your business. An hour or two of calls might be just enough time to pique some interest in your business, but there is much more to it than that, like following up with people.
Here is some advice from a friend and business colleague of mine, Kerry Pittington: "I think you should spend 80% of the allotted time in inviting and following up with people and 20% helping others."
By spending 80% of your time inviting and following up with people, whether it's an hour per week or fifteen hours per week you can definitely keep your business moving forward.
The time you spend helping others is important also to make sure they are plugged in or to answer any questions they may have. Helping others is essential to keep your business going and keep people motivated.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Cell Phone Tips
The salesman told me a child probably broke it by pulling on it and then put it back so noone would notice it was broken. I told him that my son is only three years old and wouldn't do such a thing...lol. Actually, I am likely the one who did it, since I am always rushing around...
Anyhow, be sure not to pull out the charger by the cord or you could break it.
Who knew?? lol
I also found out that when you charge your phone, from the car that is, you should only leave it charging for up to three hours at the most. I have a tendency to just leave the charger plugged in, but apparently that's not a good idea, as it can destroy the battery. Some of you may already know this, but just in case it's a good tip.
I realized today how important it is to have a cell phone, not only for business purposes, but for emergencies! My husband is in the hospital and my son with the in-laws. So, I was much needed today and didn't have my phone charged! That is why I rushed to get a new charger and now I will take much better care not to break it!
I am also planning to change cell phone plans for business purposes....for details please ask!
"Most people do Network Marketing everyday, but don't get paid for it."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Did you know that our personalities are represented by colours and more specifically the primary colours?
There are many shades of colours that are beautiful for decorating a room or adding pizzazz to a painting, but now we know that colours even describe our personalities.
If you are into colours like I am, you will find this very interesting...
Recently, I attended a seminar with Tom Schreiter in the big city of Toronto, Ontario.
It was terrific! He likes to explain the colours in relation to personalities, which is what I am basing this on.
I will explain it here briefly and how each colour can be helpful for a team.
YELLOW: The YELLOW personality type is the helper. They love helping others and are concerned about others. They are kind, nice and caring. The people who are generally a YELLOW personality are moms, teachers and nurses, for example. The YELLOW's are important for the team, because they will do the work and followup with any of the necessary business.
BLUE: The BLUE personality likes to have fun. They want to party, love to talk and like adventure. They talk, talk, talk, but don't generally listen. The BLUE's are important for your team, because they like meeting people and aren't worried about talking to anyone.
GREEN: The GREEN personality is more reserved and likes to focus on the facts. They want to know the details and are often numbers oriented. You could consider accountants, engineers, editors and lawyers to have a GREEN personality. They are great to have on your team, because they know the important details that others might leave out.
Last, but not least, is the colour RED!
RED: The RED personality likes the money. They want to know everything about the money. They are often a 'Type A' personality and might be considered bossy. They can be CEO's or business owners for example. The RED's are important on a team, because they can run the organization.
Although I love the colour BLUE, I would not consider myself a BLUE personality, because I am not a talker. I would be primarily a YELLOW, because I want to help others and used to be a teacher. I am also a touch GREEN, because I love details, like when editing.
What colour is your personality?
Feel free to share it! If you are not sure then base it on your TRUE personality at rest, not on a work basis.
If have any questions about how this can help your business, please contact me.
Jill Ann Bromwich
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ins and Outs of Network Marketing
I have much experience with the ins and outs of the business.
Did you know that you don't need to talk to friends and family;
make so many three-way calls; or always listen to your upline
who keeps telling you to do the same thing and it will work EVENTUALLY...?
Don't always talk to people who are not interested in building a business.
You want to talk to people who know what they are doing. Network
marketing is sometimes like the blind leading the blind.
Really the people you need to talk to are those like:
Donald Trump...who know what they are talking about!
Here are some levels of growing your business that might help!
Level 1 = Learning how to grow your own business...
a) Prospecting does not mean phoning someone at random...it starts
with who YOU even want to talk to. You have to think about who YOUR
ideal prospect is, so try getting inside your prospect's mind.
What are their wants, needs and desires?
Think about the person's age or stage in life.
What's going to grab their attention?
b) Next think about their concerns...
Someone who wants to lose weight for example, is worried that if they
lose weight they don't want to put it back on again.
They are looking for a solution.
c) The presentation is important once you have a target market. You
should develop a presentation that solves a person's problem and tells
them how to do it. Try speaking directly to the person and help them
find a solution.
Don't keep talking about the opportunity...
The person is interested in you and how you can help them.
d) Next is closing...
Your responsibility as a closer is to help the person make a definite
decision whether it is yes or no and make sure they leave knowing why
they made that decision.
Make sure you take the time to care about them.
They will appreciate it!
e) You don'have to over qualify! Isn't it better to have:
20% to 40% of 100 people not 100% of only 1 person?
f) Next think: Are they a good fit? Do we get along?
Remember to think about yourself and what kind of team you want.
For example you probably don't want someone who doesn't have a
credit card and the want or need to build a business unless you want
a customer base as well.
Level 2 = Leverage Plan, Team and Time
a) You need to know the compensation plan to know where to place
people in your business and to know how to maximize the plan.
b) You should learn how to teach people to be independent leaders, that
way the three-way calls significantly reduce and you can spend your
time more positively.
c) Learn how to grow your income month after month.
d) It is a god idea to have a 30 day action plan showing people how to
add people daily without having to speak to friends and family. You want
to teach people how to grow a business so that you only have to manage
a few people in your top line and they can then manage their people.
e) You need to continue enrolling people...so your team sees that your
business won't just grow on it's own, it does take work.
f) Remember you need to manage a family, business, and free time. You
need to learn how to balance your business. If you spend all your time
growing your business you won't have the family in the end to share
your success with, on the other hand if you don't grow your business
you won't find the success you have been looking for.
Level 3 = Working Online: Learn how to generate leads effectively.
a) Try being ahead of the game, if you spend $100 and make $300
then you are ahead.
b) Effective Sales Copy on your site is essential so learn how to use it to
get what you want...
c) If you use a company website you might get 1 for every 300 people, but
with your own website as an expert, you may sign up 30 for every 300!
Learn how to drive traffic to your site:
a) Pay per click - Google, Yahoo
b) SEO - Search Engine Optimization
c) Web 2.0 - Trading Time for Money
Make it happen! After all this...
You may even decide network marketing is not for you, so...
Here are some things to think about...
a) If you don't plan to spend 10 hours a week, your business won't grow.
b) You need to invest or your business won't grow.
c) You need to learn how to build teams properly.
d) Don't reinvent the wheel.
e) Get proper guidance from the experts.
f) Follow a proven system.
For further advice and training please feel free to ask me!
Jill Ann Bromwich
Friday, September 4, 2009
Online Advertising Ideas
1. Brand Yourself
It is recommended to brand yourself and not just focus on advertising the company sites. Get your name out there and have your own website. If you are unsure about making a website just ask, there is so much help available for website design. I would be glad to help as well, as I have worked on my own personal sites.
2. Put Yourself in Their Shoes
People do not like to be sold. They like to believe they are the ones making the decision whether to buy or not to buy. Or whether to join a company or not. Offer the customer benefits to them. Think about the potential customer or business builder...how will they benefit from your products or services. Put yourself in their shoes.
Here are some questions you might consider when thinking about them:
a) Does it fulfill a need?
b) Does it fit their current lifestyle?
c) How will it benefit them healthwise or moneywise?
d) Will it benefit them in the future?
3. Don't Push
Rather than putting your sales link up everywhere. Have your link somewhere in the background where people can find it. Don't push it on them, let them browse and find the information. Once you have a personal blog or site you should definitely put your company links there so that they are accessible.
Again...you don't want to push the company you want to portray yourself as the expert and available to offer help where needed.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Dreaded Phonecall...
Yes, on the phone...while calling leads.
Or should I say possible friends.
We were discussing how people in Network Marketing
are so into Social Media these days and networking online,
Which is terrific...it's great to do the Social Media thing and
"Tweet on Twitter"
or make friends on
But what is missing?
You can wait for days, months even years before you ever really
connect with these people online. You may think you are connecting,
but how many people are really just wanting to build their own
business and prospect you?
People seem to forget about how to use the phone.
Yes, a phonecall is necessary to really connect.
Now in many cases I have met terrific people online...I have some
fantastic friends and truly think it's amazing.
But, remember if you are really trying to build a business you must
talk to people. Get to know them first online and then make the call.
Don't be afraid of picking up the phone!
The funny thing is, I was with a training group that encouraged you
to call leads all the time and I didn't...lol.
I was afraid of what the person might say on the other end...or maybe
I just didn't really know what to say...
It took me awhile to learn this...so instead of calling people I kept
hoping and praying that if I kept meeting people online my business
would grow...
But how long would it take? Days, months, even years???
I was not prepared to wait that long...and I am sure you are not either.
So, what I am saying is pick up the phone...
The worst that can happen is the person says no or even hangs up on you...
Just go onto the next person and who knows you might even make a friend!
Call them like you were calling a friend not like another lead...
this will help you to feel more comfortable.
Tell you what, if you need practise I am more than willing to help.
It took me a long time to feel comfortable...so feel free to call me
or write.
I am here for you!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Were you productive or did you take a break?
How does that make you feel?
I am a little sad, because the summer seemed so short and
we did not have much hot weather here in Ontario...
But on the other hand when it was hot it was extreme.
Hopefully you remembered your sunscreen...
Do you feel ready for September?
Were you productive in the summer with your business
or did you take a much needed break to spend quality time
with your family?
If you took the chance to get a heads up on business while
others played in the sun, good for you...
Now you are that much further ahead and who knows, you
might even be through your ninety day plan...
Otherwise, why not get ready for September now and get to work?
Now is the time...
So try going to:
http://www.Jill.WAHPartners.com for a FREE Ebook and Tour
Also, if you are interested in a FREE presentation
for ideas on what you can do now that summer is over
and the kids are back to school...
Please let me know...I would be happy to refer you to it.
Take care,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Down on the Corporate World?
Wonder why you have to travel all day to work...
Hope that maybe there is some other way to spend
time with your precious family...
Do you work from home, but it's just not what you
thought it would be?
Are you getting worried that you may have to
go back to work one day, but you really hate the
corporate world?
If this sounds like you then you should listen to
Joe Schroeder's info...
He will get you out of the slump and encourage
you to build yourself up...
He is incredibly uplifting...
The best part is his "Mechanics of Wealth" CD/Report
is FREE, you just pay s&h $7.00 to mail it to you...go to:
You will want to read this...
Plus while you are allowing yourself to become
"Ten Feet Tall"
You can encourage others to do the same...
Be sure to listen every Monday at:
9:27 pm EST 6410594-7000 PIN 600088#
While you're at it check out this free newsletter to
help your business:
Jill Ann Bromwich
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Do You Love What You Do?
I just got back from the cottage up north.
It was so nice to have a break...
but now back to the grindstone...
Well, not really, I just love what I do!
I work at home and spend time with my family,
so that's the best part...
I also get to help others, which is
important to me.
I help others work at home; supplement their
income; get healthy; live a healthy lifestyle and have
a positive mindset.
Really, a positive mindset is where it's at!
If you try to stay more positive everything in your life
will follow suit.
You will even stay healthier overall, because there won't
be as much stress in your life...
And stress can cause or increase major health issues like:
- Autoimmune Diseases: (Celiac disease, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.)
- Arthritis
- Cancer
So, by doing what you love and having a more positive
mindset you and your family will live a healthier
lifestyle overall.
For tips on staying positive please visit:
And, for excellent health tips please visit:
For work at home ideas, or to supplement what you currently do...
Please ask, I would love to help!
Yours truly,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tired of the Hype? Want the TRUTH?
Do they make you feel like you can make easy money...
Yet you are still waiting and really don't know the TRUTH?
I was on a private training call with Diane Hochman.
Did you know that you can get excellent training with her?
I can ask her about my web sites and business...
and I know I will get an honest opinion and the TRUTH!
There is no 'beating around the bush' with Diane.
If you want superb training from the pros then
check out the program I am with and get a free
newsletter at:
You can even make extra money with this!
Here is the 97 cent trial:
For more free information and excellent articles sign
up for my newsletter right here on this site!
I am here to help you!
Jill Ann
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Give, Give, Give & Be Positive
Is helping others something important to you?
I would like to take a moment to talk about the theory
"What You Give Away, You Get to Keep!"
I have definitely been thinking more 'people friendly',
doing more and giving more. I have learned more and
more, that people matter.
It is people first and then 'self' not the other way around.
I have also read some excellent books about being a 'good
news merchant' that you might like.
You can check out a sample here:
Did you realize that when you put others first it also makes
you feel better in return?
If you tend to feel down or always upset try taking the negative
thoughts off yourself and start thinking about others.
It really will help.
Think about this...
If each and everyday you say or do something nice for others,
whether it's family or friends or people you don't even know...
You will get it back. You will even find that this is good for
I am not saying that you should expect anything in return, but
by being nice to others, you will certainly get a good feeling
deep inside.
Maybe you just offer a simple smile, but it is always something
Also, the more people you meet, the more good you invite into your
life and the more chances you will have to be good to others.
For more positive self-image coaching go to:
Please say Jill Ann Bromwich sent you... :-)
Friday, July 3, 2009
Listeners vs. Know It Alls
with Joe Schroeder. It was so amazing!
He is definitely worth listening to!
He is a terrific mentor and master marketer.
During the call he was discussing the art of listening.
Listening is important in any business in order to learn.
Listening is not just important for the employer to know
and understand what their boss wants, but for the boss
to know what keeps his employees motivated.
Could you imagine if no one listened and everyone just did as
they pleased?
In the network marketing industry, listening is also essential.
Listening is how we learn. You can’t learn if you don’t listen.
Often those who listen well are also the ones who have
something important to say.
Have you ever carried on a conversation with someone and
they only said about eight words throughout?
Do you remember what they said?
Were you listening?
Sometimes the person who says the least just might surprise
you with what they say.
Now think about this scenario...
When was the last time you were trying to have a conversation,
but could not get a word in edgewise?
The people who talk, talk, talk rarely listen and think they know it
all. Often, however, they don’t have the facts, because they don’t
stop talking long enough to listen.
So next time be sure to listen to the one with fewer words, they
just might surprise you and you might learn something!
Monday, June 22, 2009
It's a Gift NOT a Product!
Here you will learn Self-Discipline.
Do you want to become a FREE THINKER?
Learn how and why people such as Bono, Oprah, Brad Pitt and Julia Child have created wealth and success for themselves.
Very interesting!
Find out how a meat-truck driver named Joe Schroeder discovered the Amazing Formula of the Wealthy to create his own home-based economy.
Visit the The Million Mind March and see for yourself.
You can get a free book at:
I know you want the GIFT!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What Makes You Laugh?
I am so used to being serious about work and education, that sometimes I forget to just have a laugh, but there is a part of me that loves to have fun and be silly.
Can you think of the last thing you laughed about that made tears come to your eyes? What do you like to do to have fun?
I love to have fun with my son, honestly he makes me laugh the most. I love to go to the ice cream shop. I often pretend I am treating my son to an ice cream, but the truth is I love 'Gold Medal Ribbon' from Baskin Robbins.
I love going to the zoo to see the amazing animals. We just went with my son's class in May. We might also go to the water park this summer and maybe hit Canada's Wonderland too. Not just for my son, but because I love going too!
These are the things I enjoy. How about you?
Have you Branded Yourself Yet?
Do you have a site that is offered by the company you work for? Think about it, if you are working for yourself in a home based business, you should have a personal site about you.
Not just about your products. That's not really about you is it? It's about the organization you work for!
I learned it is important to set yourself apart from everyone else, try not to appear like all the others.
What do you have that is different?
Why would others be attracted to you?
What makes you laugh?
This is a great place to begin to brand yourself and start your personal site.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Creating a Successful Business
create a successful business using these tips and techniques.
Tips and Techniques
This information has helped me to become more confident
in my business and has changed my mind set.
It can help you too!
Learning to build credibility and trust over time with your prospects is essential. Don't just assume they need what you have to offer.
Try to learn how to get your eyes off yourself and onto your prospect. Find out what your prospect wants, not what you think they want.
Click this link for more 'free' tips from an excellent training source:
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Could You Use a Break?
Even though you are doing the social media thing and following the advice of your upline, you just can't seem to make your business work.
Never mind the fact that your friends and family avoid you at ALL costs!
Are you no closer to quitting your job and being able to stay home with your kids?
Are you spending hours on the computer, working your
business so you can quit your job, in order to have the
lifestyle and freedom you dream of?
You are not alone...the majority of network marketers
out there feel the same way since no one is telling
them the TRUTH.
If you could use a break and want to learn the TRUTH,
the first step is this Free CD and Report at:
The Million Mind March
Just say Jill Bromwich referred you...
Here is where you will begin to learn the TRUTH and get
the break you deserve.
Also, listen to the free calls every Monday night at 9:27 pm
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Social Media Craze
decided to market yourself in this way, you certainly should.
First, you should become familiar with this marketing medium.
These sites provide the perfect opportunity for you to meet other
like-minded individuals, network and it's a very important
part of working online.
Another key element of networking is developing 'relationships'
with people online. You can begin to build trust with people by
offering valuable resources and information.
The more 'friends' you make online, the more likely your information
will get into the hands of the people you are looking for. When adding friends, look for people who share a common interest. If you have children, consider adding moms to your list.
Maybe you have health issues you would like to talk about with others.
Also, you can look for people living near you. Adding people with a similar interest is a great place to start.
A great idea is to invite others who currently work from home
and seem to have a successful business!
The following social networking sites are easy to navigate and great places to get to know others who share your views:
- Better Networker
- Linked In
There are many sites you can join to help build your presence online. The important thing is to create your profile and begin getting your name out there!
A site you might like is My Private Classroom.
My Private Classroom, is a training site for home business owners.
They especially help with low cost to no cost marketing ideas. Please put my name down as the referral or you won't be able to join.
So get started today! Start with one site and have fun creating your profile.
If you have further questions I would be happy to help.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Are You Positive?
Do you get upset when something doesn't go your
way or can you rise up and get past it?
Did you know that your success is related to your
attitude when you listen, communicate and
interact with others?
You might think that your attitude is affected by
your mood, but really it has to do with how you
respond to what happens to you whether it be
positive or negative.
Can you process your thoughts in a positive way despite
the circumstance?
Try by starting each day on the right foot, think, read
or write down something positive. Or share a positive
thought with someone else.
"The act of giving is often the greatest gift of growth we
can give ourselves." Andre Vatke
To help you have a positive attitude please read:
Positive Attitude
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The 7 Deadly Sins
1. Relying on One Marketing Medium
- get to know your prospects
- be versatile with mediums
- be balanced don't just use one medium, use a variety
2. Expecting Tools to Do all the Work for You
- don't expect your web site to do all the work
- it cannot take the place of a live, personal relationship
3. Expecting Upline to Build your Business
- three-way calls may be helpful, but you don't want new people to think they have to always rely on their upline
- your sponsor can help you develop and identify your skills
- your upline can help you with challenges, but don't expect them to always be there
4. Overloading with Too Much Information
- when you overload, you're overwhelming
- listen to the prospect's needs, take notes and repeat back to them
- be natural, don't just make presentation
5. Stuck in Show and Tell Mode
- make a dialogue, not a monologue
- be natural, don't make it sound like a presentation
- your underlying thought should focus on your prospect's needs
6. Not Following Up
- don't let people fall through the cracks
- even though someone says no now, they may say yes in the future
- keep notes so you can followup
- show compassion
7. Having too many prospects
- if you don't get results you might think you need more prospects, but quantity doesn't mean quality
- you need a variety of mechanisms to do a quality job
- it is better to focus on one person well than many prospects and lose track of them
- reach out to your target market and find out what they really want
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Old or New What Works for You?
Hochman. During the call she covered the pros
and cons of old school versus new school
Most importantly though, as Diane mentioned, is
to listen to your heart when building your own
What works for YOU?
What are YOU good at?
What is it about YOU that makes you different?
This is what you should focus on, what you like
and are good at, not what you don't like!
Discovering your own talents and abilities and
learning to improve yourself in those areas is
critical to your success.
Please Note:
If you are serious about network marketing, I suggest
going to: My Private Classroom
**Please be sure to put my name, Jill Bromwich, as the
person whom referred you.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Are you an Attraction?
Have you ever wondered how to succeed in your network
marketing business and why some succeed while others
do not?
It is the attraction factor.
You must become an attraction in order to have people
follow you or be attracted to you. It is important that
you set yourself apart from everyone else, try not to
appear like all the others.
Think about what you have that is different and
why others might be attracted to you.
Strength and confidence are two essential characteristics
that will increase the likelihood of others following you.
People will follow those who are interesting and have
something to offer.
So if you want more check out the Million Mind March.
The Million Mind March
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Success is in Your Hands
Are you happy with your business or disappointed? Is it what you expected?
Are you looking to your sponsor for support and they are nowhere to be found? They are not even returning your calls?
What does the missing sponsor syndrome mean to you? The missing sponsor syndrome might mean simply that your sponsor is missing. You signed up with a sponsor whom you thought was terrific, you felt connected to this person, but now they are not returning your calls and you are feeling misled and disappointed.
Do you think you should be keeping up with the Jones' so to speak and placing $5,000.00 ads or designing postcards like your sponsor, but feel you can't afford it right now?
But think about it...is your success dependent upon your sponsor?
The truth is you don't have to do what your sponsor is doing, you just have to keep up with you. You must have the confidence in yourself to see yourself as a success. Make your goals and plans now for your success.
Your success is NOT dependent upon your sponsor it is dependent upon YOU! So the cure for the missing sponsor syndrome is you.
Don't put your success in the hands of others. Gain the experience and confidence in yourself, then the success will come.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
What Does Your Target Market Want?
of others first, when it comes to your target market
people in general are egocentric and tend to look
out for their own interests first.
Therefore, when you are thinking of your target market
you should think about what your target market wants
or needs.
People generally think, what's in it for me, so when you
are prospecting, think...what's in it for them? How can
my product benefit them?
In order to do this there are three things you should do...
1. Use the product yourself.
2. Talk to others who use the product.
3. Talk to people who use competing products.
Try to figure out what your product offers that a competing
product may not. You must know what the features and
benefits are of your product.
Be benefit oriented when advertising and use the
words YOU not I!
Here are four questions to ask when thinking about what
your prospect wants:
1. What keeps your prospect awake at night?
2. What does your prospect want to avoid?
3. What are your prospect's daily frustrations?
4. What does your prospect desire most?
By asking these types of questions it can help you figure
out how your product or service can help your prospect.
Find out if you have the answer to these questions.
Here is a something to remember when figuring out
what your target market wants:
E2 = O
If you emphasize everything you experience nothing.
So be sure to find out the specific benefits of your product.
Don't focus on all the benefits just choose specific ones
that your target market wants or needs.
Be sure to ask the four questions above in order to figure
out what your target market wants.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Do You Have What it Takes?
If you continuously recruit opportunity seekers, they tend to remain opportunity seekers. They never learn how to become business owners. Therefore it is not a good idea to sponsor opportunity seekers; if you do your business may not continue to grow.
Opportunity seekers tend to get excited about making lots of money, but they don't realize that it takes time and effort on their part. As soon as they are faced with a problem in network marketing like someone saying 'no' to them they tend to back down and even drop out without trying very hard.
They do not know what it takes to become a business owner or have the staying power to succeed. It takes time and effort to grow your network marketing business, just like any other business.
So I recommend sponsoring business people. Those who have what it takes to succeed. Do you have what it takes or want to learn more?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Balance Business and Family
it comes to working at home and family responsibility.
In order to achieve success in any business there must
be a goal and plans to achieve the goal. Consistent,
daily action helps to keep you focused on the goal
and get closer to it. It often helps to work backwards.
Start with the end result, which is the goal whether long
or short term and then make the daily plans around it.
When focusing on your business it can be difficult to get
everything done while taking care of a family too. So there
must be a balance. Decide what is the most important for
you. You could fill up a calendar with family plans like
birthdays, piano lessons, or hockey games, for example
and then plan your business schedule around this.
It certainly helps to have a calendar to look at, a schedule
and a journal to help keep you organized.
If you find that you are becoming overwhelmed, there may
be lack of a realistic plan. Once you decide what is urgent
then you can plan around this and make a consistent, daily
plan of action. That way you can relax when you know
everything is taken care of.
Your plan might include writing one blog per day and
calling five prospects per day, but be sure it is consistent.
If you have a consistent, daily plan of action and know that
your family is taken care of, you will be able to focus on the
business task at hand and achieve success.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Open Minded
However leveraging is a skill.
Make sure you have a degree of credibility established and
when you make a call be sure to introduce yourself by saying
who you are and what you do.
Don't make the mistake of misleading your prospects and
manipulating them.
You need to qualify them and find out why they are interested
in working from home. Find out how much time they have
to devote to this and what type of budget they have available
without increasing debt.
By qualifying a prospect you get a feel for if they fit in your
business. Again don't manipulate them. If they don't qualify
understand that you may not have something for them.
Don't get discouraged, be open minded and open your
prospect's mind.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Five Essential Foundations of a Company
Marketing, I realize there are many people being mislead
into believing they will make a lot of money within a
short period of time and without doing much work.
While they may not be mislead intentionally, I do believe
it is the responsibility of each of us to investigate a company
prior to joining.
Ultimately, we are the ones who are signing on the dotted
line. Most honest companies will tell you to expect
3 to 5 years to see any significant income with effort.
Regardless of what anyone tells you, success does not happen
overnight. Many of the successful people in Network Marketing
have had years of experience and brought their downlines
from other companies with them, giving them leverage
when it comes to advancements and promotions.
Here are five specific things you should look at prior to
joining any company. This will help in determining
the structure and how solid the foundation of the
company is:
1. Examine the Integrity of the Company - This is by
far the most important part of joining any business
opportunity. Be sure to read the contract. Often people
fail to read the entire contract and the companies
realize this so may include negative parts of the policies
in the middle to latter part of the agreement. When you
are reading through your contract, take time and have
someone read it over with you if necessary.
2. Timing in the Industry - Be sure to find out if the
company has consistent growth. The company should
be at least 2 to 4 years old.
3. Great Products Priced Right - Does the product line
have many people that have a need for the product you
are trying to market?
4. Compensation Plan - When asked how much network
marketers would like to make on a monthly basis, the
typical response is $10,000.00. What is your goal?
Find out in advance exactly how many people you are
going to need to create a residual income of the amount
of money you desire. Keep in mind, the average number
of people recruited by any person is 2.7 people.
5. The System - It is quite important that there be a
duplicatable system in place. If there is no system, your
business will not grow. The goal is to bring highly effective
people together who can grow the business.
While the Network Marketing industry is an amazing
vehicle to create wealth from the comfort of your own
home, be careful.
Do your homework. Don't just jump in blindly without
doing the research. It's so important to find a company
that you can be proud of, knowing that you can introduce
others to it and nobody will get hurt or be mislead.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Creating Goals and Success
you do. When you are developing your goals they should be
realistic. You might wish for ten thousand dollars per month,
but this is not realistic, certainly not starting out in a business.
A goal is a clearly defined plan of action and it must be effective.
For example a goal might be talking to ten people per day or
writing one article per day. A wish is something you long for
that might or might not be realistic.
When planning your goals you should expect success.
In other words expect to achieve these goals and be successful
in your business.
Make the goals achievable within a certain timeframe. Your
timeframe can be within a week, a month or even a year.
Believing that you will succeed is important in order to get
you through the rough times.
You want to be successful in your business, as we all do,
but did you realize that 97% of businesses fail?
So if you want to start out on the right foot it helps to have
a supportive environment. Don't give up if you want to be
successful. Many people give up too soon and may not have
the motivation required to be successful.
Realize that there may be rocks to climb and bridges to cross,
but you will get there eventually. Having a successful business
will not always mean a smooth ride.
A can-do attitude helps, in other words believing in yourself
and knowing you can do it, as well as having support from
friends, family and a strong team.