So I wanted to write and let you know it's not you. You are not the reason that you may be failing in mlm. There are so many reasons why mlm is difficult. Think about the people at the top of these multi-million dollar organizations. Imagine how they do it. They have teams and friends that move with them from company to company, so of course they can make the money. The money that people talk about in mlm. There are very few people who are making the kind of money you believe you can make in mlm.
Now that being said, you CAN do it with help. You can do it with determination. You can do it with motivation. AND patience!! Lots of patience!!
Many people ACT like they are making it in mlm, but really it's a facade.
They are actually told to "ACT as IF and Go as THOUGH!"
This however is excellent advice.
Act as if you are making it and are successful and go as if you are! This will help to give you the right kind of mindset. Be positive!
Don't let the negative thoughts overcome you. Once the negative thoughts set in and take over, you are DONE!
So be positive and believe you can do it. Act as if you are doing it and you will...EVENTUALLY!
Here is some advice to help you succeed:
1. ASK for help!
2. Get support from your upline!
3. Don't take NO for an answer!
4. Choose a company that you believe in!
5. Research the company FIRST!
6. Choose a company with products that you can use!
7. Choose a company that has a relevant target market!
8. Choose a company with an EXCELLENT compensation plan!
I personally always believe a health company will work. However, there is much competition out there with health companies. So be choosy and make sure they have an excellent compensation plan.
Finally ASK for help! Ask for help! Ask for help!
Whether you need help with blogging, editing, choosing the right business or getting help with organizaton while working at home...etc. I can help so please feel free to ask.
Contact me at: 905-859-0340 or via skype: jillannbromwich
Jill Ann Bromwich 905-859-0340 ~ Coaching, Training, Tips, Techniques
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Do You Get Discouraged?
So you are working on a business and trying to make it work.
But it's NOT working. You wonder why and try to figure it out.
Do you need a blog, a website, or more friends?
What do you do?
Well, first of all, yes it is a good idea to have all of the above...
blog; website; friends
But this all has to be natural, you can't force anyone to do anything...
ultimately it has to be their decision. So the best way to do this
is to improve your relationships
Focus on communication not your own satisfaction...and it will come.
It may take awhile however.
Remember the ones who are making it 'big' in the network marketing industry
often bring their entire downlines with them from program to program.
While you may be starting from scratch...
I can help you with this. To make friends online; start or work on your blog
or even help you create a website.
So if you need help just ask! I have always said, the first step is helping others.
"To the degree you help others is to the degree you will get help in return..."
But it's NOT working. You wonder why and try to figure it out.
Do you need a blog, a website, or more friends?
What do you do?
Well, first of all, yes it is a good idea to have all of the above...
blog; website; friends
But this all has to be natural, you can't force anyone to do anything...
ultimately it has to be their decision. So the best way to do this
is to improve your relationships
Focus on communication not your own satisfaction...and it will come.
It may take awhile however.
Remember the ones who are making it 'big' in the network marketing industry
often bring their entire downlines with them from program to program.
While you may be starting from scratch...
I can help you with this. To make friends online; start or work on your blog
or even help you create a website.
So if you need help just ask! I have always said, the first step is helping others.
"To the degree you help others is to the degree you will get help in return..."
helping others,
network marketing
Monday, January 3, 2011
Keep Your New Year's Resolution
Do you know how to keep your new year's resolution? You may be surprised, but not many people even make a new year's resolution, let alone keep it. Although it may be difficult to make a new year's resolution, I recommend you do. If you do take the first step to make a resolution then don't stop there.
You just need to know how to keep your new year's resolution.
So, here are some tips to help you keep your new year's resolution...
First, decide what your new year's resolution will be. You may have many, but choose the most important one to you and focus on that one. This way you will have more motivation to actually keep it.
Second, once you have decided what your new year's resolution should be, write it down! By writing it down, this will help you to keep your new year's resolution. It is easy to say oh I am going to lose weight this year; or I am going to make lots of money this year; or I am going to spend more time with my family; or I am going to smile more this year. But to actually do it, is another story.
Third, once you have written it down, read it over and over again. Read it daily and even hang it up or frame it. This will help you to focus on it and remember it daily. It will make it real; not just something you hope will happen.
One suggestion is to buy a journal and write down your new year's resolution in it. You can write it down over and over again to help you remember it. Journals are also great for writing general things down that may just 'pop' into your mind that you don't want to forget.
*Then make your plan as to how you want to achieve this goal or resolution...
By just making a new year's resolution, this shows that you are looking toward your future and you have some kind of goal. It shows that you are not simply satisfied with the day to day routine and boredom. By making a new year's resolution you are showing that you want to better yourself.
This is important!
I believe everyone should want to better themselves and do something positive for their future. This shows determination and motivation.
It also shows you want to be successful.
A great resolution is to change your mind, change your attitude and change your outlook!
Expand your thoughts and grow your mind!
Happy New Year! To your success in 2011!
Jill Ann Bromwich
You just need to know how to keep your new year's resolution.
So, here are some tips to help you keep your new year's resolution...
First, decide what your new year's resolution will be. You may have many, but choose the most important one to you and focus on that one. This way you will have more motivation to actually keep it.
Second, once you have decided what your new year's resolution should be, write it down! By writing it down, this will help you to keep your new year's resolution. It is easy to say oh I am going to lose weight this year; or I am going to make lots of money this year; or I am going to spend more time with my family; or I am going to smile more this year. But to actually do it, is another story.
Third, once you have written it down, read it over and over again. Read it daily and even hang it up or frame it. This will help you to focus on it and remember it daily. It will make it real; not just something you hope will happen.
One suggestion is to buy a journal and write down your new year's resolution in it. You can write it down over and over again to help you remember it. Journals are also great for writing general things down that may just 'pop' into your mind that you don't want to forget.
*Then make your plan as to how you want to achieve this goal or resolution...
By just making a new year's resolution, this shows that you are looking toward your future and you have some kind of goal. It shows that you are not simply satisfied with the day to day routine and boredom. By making a new year's resolution you are showing that you want to better yourself.
This is important!
I believe everyone should want to better themselves and do something positive for their future. This shows determination and motivation.
It also shows you want to be successful.
A great resolution is to change your mind, change your attitude and change your outlook!
Expand your thoughts and grow your mind!
Happy New Year! To your success in 2011!
Jill Ann Bromwich
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